5 Simple Ways to Save Some Extra Money on Your Next Grocery Trip
You may find yourself spending a hefty sum of money on your groceries. The fact that groceries are basic needs means that the only way to reduce your spending on this crucial item is to cut on costs. Here are simple ways through which you can save extra money on groceries.
Buy in bulk
If you have a habit of buying small amounts with frequent trips, try buying in bulk and compare the cost. You’ll find that the amount spent when you buy small is higher than when you buy in large quantities. Buying in bulk may also allow you to negotiate for a discount. Several grocery stores also offer special prices to those who buy in large quantities. You’ll find yourself saving on money as well as time.
Switch stores
You may be a loyal customer to a particular store. You’ve been buying your groceries only from that store and have no chance to compare prices. You may have moved to your store when it was offering fair prices or quality products but over the years others have introduced even better deals. You’ll never discover new deals unless you shop around and switch stores. Using the advantage presented by a variety of choice will allow you to buy cheap and quality products.
Plan ahead
Make a plan in advance, list everything you need and purchase it at a given time of the month. Planning ahead allows you to buy everything you need and avoid the situation where you rush to buy in the middle of the month, causing you to be unorganised and purchase unnecessary items that may go to waste. Planning ahead and buying only what is on your list will end up saving you extra money.
Buy from farmers markets
Buying from farmer’s markets allows you to buy fresh products and also get fair prices for those products. You need to find out whether there are particular days when these markets are in operation. Take advantage of this and you will get great savings.
Use a reward program
Several stores award their customer for loyalty, they gain loyalty points every time they make a purchase. Find stores that offer generous loyalty rewards as well as fair prices and quality products. Stick to it for some time and accumulate loyalty points. You can use the loyalty points to make some purchases and you’ll have saved some money.
With groceries forming one of the largest portion of your monthly expenses, we can make great savings through utilising the above tips.